Saturday 14 January 2012


I've just finished reading a surprisingly interesting book on Aspirin (The "wonder drug"), which, as well as containing some interesting chemistry, was perhaps most helpful for the insight it gave into the world of academic and industrial research. After reading it, I thought I should attempt some research of my own. Now, as aspirin is known to prevent inflammation(as it prevents the formation of one of a group of biochemicals known as prostoglandins, which are helpful for holding cells together, but also have a role in inflammation, if you're interested), I thought it might help prevent chilblains, which I am rather susceptible to. Therefore, in an exceedingly scientific experiment, I am painting the fingers and toes on one side of my body with a solution of aspirin. I'll let you, my imaginary reader (I should really think of a name. Maybe...Webster? Fyodor?), know if there if there's any difference.

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