Friday, 13 January 2012

Whatever next?

I recently attended medlink, a conference held at Nottingham University intended to make half the medical school applicants in the country "stand out from the crowd". Well, needless to say after that rather illogical aim, I wouldn't entirely recommend it. The lectures were overcrowded, and many were merely from (well meaning, I'm sure) local doctors explaining what, exactly, GPs do. The "hands on" activities comprised of a group of 10 students talking to an actor pretending to be a "real" patient. (I really need to stop using quote marks. I'm sure it shows some sort of underlying psychological problem). At least the EDGE session offered a little light relief- the author of a self-help book, James Ridgeway, who alternated between telling us that  our friends were in fact, competition, and we should attempt to sabotage their applications at every possible moment, and encouraging us to "surf the wave". However, he did suggest one good idea- blogging our attempt to get into university, and things that interest us along the way, which you can then put on a UCAS statement to get around the word limit. Again, assuming a fair proportion of 3000 people do blog, it may not be such a deal breaker, but I thought it was worth a try.
The next problem is, that I have no idea what I want to with my life. As you (assuming anyone ever reads this) may realise, medicine is a possibility, but only that. I am also considering Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, pharmacology, German, or who knows what else at University. (If none of these work out, I'm also thinking of: becoming a librarian and writing a novel, starting a business selling clothes for ridiculously tall people, becoming a hermit in the caribbean, and a life of crime.) In any case, this blog is an attempt to organise my thoughts, share anything interesting I find along the way with anyone who is interested (probably no-one, but self-delusion can't hurt), and possibly (and this is a big possibly) boost my chances of getting an offer/a job/ a cave.

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